Freemasonry in England was suspended by order of The Grand Master from the commencement of lockdown in March 2020 until July, and then re-activated subject to the Governmental rules on gathering indoors. With the introduction of the “Rule of Six”, and the subsequent October decision to place London into Tier 2 of the Coronavirus restrictive measures, London Freemasonry was re-suspended and looks likely to remain so until at least early 2021. We have missed both our April and October 2020 meetings; February 2021 also looks unlikely to go ahead but we are keeping our fingers crossed for April 2021.
While we keenly miss the pleasure of meeting up in person, as a Lodge we are keeping in touch with each other through Zoom, email and a (frequently irreverent) WhatsApp group.
We all look forward to being able to return to Freemasons Hall in 2021 and to Initiate our latest Candidate, who was expecting to become our newest member in April 2020…